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BIOTOPIC® D.N.A Reuwhth Serum ™ - Rückwärtshaarlinie + Kahlerspot Reparaturserum (1 Unzen)

Clinically Proven Ingredients - No Side-Effects.

✔️ Advanced hair loss formulation for receding hair line and bald spots to accelerate thicker hair growth

✔️ Fight DHT build-up while energizing hair follicles and nourishing scalp using a clinically tested natural formulation including: caffeine, biotin, saw palmetto, and marine peptides.

✔️ Use just once daily during your morning routine. Easy to apply no-drip pump. Absorbs quickly with no oily residue 1.7 oz / 50Ml

Dieses leistungsstarke Haarwachstum und das zurückgehende Haaransichtserum beinhalten klinisch nachgewiesene Koffein, Biotin, sah Palmetto und Meeresalgen, um den Haarausfall an seinen Wurzeln zu erreichen. Die Applikatorpumpe erleichtert es einfach und schnell, Serum auf kalte Flecken und Verdünnung von Bereichen auf dem Kopf anzuwenden. Absorbiert schnell ohne klebrige oder ölige Rückstände.Keine Nebenwirkungen. Sicher und effektiv für Männer und Frauen. Bestellen Sie jetzt mit 100% Zufriedenheitsgarantie.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2397 reviews

    I originally had trouble the first time I made an order but all was fixed. I'm glad to say this helps with thyroid hair loss.

    Ron B.

    great product. when all other more chemical based competitors didn't work for me this product produce measurable results...

    Israel W.
    Easy to Use

    I'm at the beginning stage of use. The serum is easy to use and helpful in my initial stage.

    Harry K.
    Some growth

    After using two bottles of this product I have noticed some new growth. My wife concurs that there is some new growth.

    ROLLY M.S.

    It’s working good